Tattnall-Evans is an Association of 28 churches and 2 mission churches located in the counties of Evans and Tattnall in East Georgia. The Associational office is located in Claxton, home of Claxton Fruitcake, which is just over an hour inland from Savannah.

Each member church accepts the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 as our doctrine of faith in cooperative work. The Churches conduct various mission activities and ministries throughout the year.

The association supports local churches by helping to equip members to reach people with the gospel. Equipping includes: Church Revitalization, Leadership Development, Peer Mentoring, Counseling, Committee Training, Mission Trips, along with several others.

The Rev. Freddy Gardner is the Associational Missionary. Gardner is married to Lynn. The couple have three married children and seven grandchildren. Freddy and Lynn were born and raised in Appling County. Gardner served as Youth and Children’s pastor at two churches in South Carolina and one in South Georgia before being led to serve as Senior Pastor of two churches before being called  to the Association. He graduated from Columbia International University with a BS in Bible and minors in Church Administration and Youth. He also holds Master of Divinity from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. The Gardner’s reside in Collins.

Joyce Collins serves as Ministry Assistant. Mrs. Collins came to the Association in February of 2017 after several years in the business world. She is married to Vince and has a teenage son. Mrs. Collins was raised in Evans County and now resides near Collins in Tattnall County.

The Association is here to serve the Southern Baptist Community in Tattnall and Evans Counties and to serve you.